Halloween Photoshopping

So if my list of movies wasn’t enough Halloween-themed amusement for you, how about a whole gallery full of famous artworks retouched via Photoshop to include famous monsters? Predators and Aliens seem to be especially popular subjects for this little project. I was especially amused by Michaelangelo’s David after encountering a facehugger and Godzilla taking care of Pompeii. The page has a few ads and such across the top, so scroll down to see the art, and enjoy!


2 comments on “Halloween Photoshopping

  1. Jen B.

    Okay, those are great…
    It’s telling, though, that I recognize the paintings before some of the monsters.

  2. jason

    It’s all in your passions, interests, and education. I recognize the source paintings for most of these but couldn’t tell you titles or artists of the originals. However, I instantly recognize all but a handful of the monsters and can name the films that produced them and, in some cases, the actors who portrayed them. It’s just my thing, I guess. 🙂