And I Thought I Was a Fanboy…

Passed a silver BMW Z4 on the way into work this morning. The rear deck featured one of those custom license-plate frames you can have made at the mall to say anything you wish. This one said, “Martinis, girls and guns.” It enclosed a vanity plate that read “BONDCAR.”

It’s nice that some people have active imaginations and the income to flaunt them. Bastards.


10 comments on “And I Thought I Was a Fanboy…

  1. anne

    we should hunt him down and shoot him. Did you get a look at the driver?

  2. jason

    Yeah. Pretty generic yuppie-looking guy. Thin, blond and relatively young. Not very Bond-ish at all.

  3. anne

    Unless you compare him to the new guy. I’m still not sure about that.

  4. jason

    Yeah… a blond 007 seems really wrong. Granted the movies long ago ceased having much in common with the original source material, but good lord, can’t we at least stick to Ian Fleming’s description of the character?

  5. amber

    Personally, as nice as the Z4 is, it’s no Aston Martin. Sporting a plate and frame like that when your car costs nowhere near 150K+ is actually a little sad and pathetic.
    Feel better now? >;)

  6. amber

    I get, of course, that the “Z” is a Bond car. But these days there are a ton of cars on the road that cost as much as the low-end Z(34K)and even compare to the high end (42K) as well.

  7. jason

    Hey Amber, welcome to the old digital homestead, and thanks for putting the Z4 thing in perspective. They’re still out of my price range, but not so far out as REAL Bond car…

  8. amber

    As for as the new Bond goes, I suddenly think he works. I saw the guy interviewed on The Today Show this morning, and he’s got that cool British thing going. Blonde or no, I can see him as Bond.

  9. amber

    Oh, and thanks for the welcome! I’ve started checking this site out. It helps me escape thoughts of impending doom as Niche grinds to an ugly, ponderous, seven-years-in-the-making halt….
    And on that cheery note…. 😉

  10. jason

    Happy to be of service! 🙂
    (Seriously, I am sorry to hear about Niche… it’s a damn shame.)