
I went for a walk this afternoon, and on this walk I passed through Gallivan Plaza in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City. There I saw a city workman hanging Christmas lights before the snow flies. Nothing particularly unusual about that… except for the fact that it was at least 75 degrees out there on the plaza, I was sweating in the bright sunshine, and this workman I spotted was wearing shorts and a thin t-shirt. And it’s the end of October. I’m thinking the weather gods haven’t checked their calendars recently, or else there’s something to this global warming hysteria. Something. Whatever the reason, though, it was very tough to force myself back to my proofreading desk…


2 comments on “Incongruity

  1. chenopup

    This has by far been one of the nicest fall season’s we’ve had in a long time. I drove home in the rain last night. Something about light rain and leaves on the ground. I’ve enjoyed it immensely.

  2. jason

    Yeah, me too. Nice to have some good color on the trees for a change, and have it stay dry enough that you can enjoy shuffling through the dry, fallen leaves instead of trudging through leaf-mush.