Utah Episode of Extreme Makeover This Weekend

It’s not really my thing, but if you enjoy Extreme Makeover: Home Edition or you just want to see ol’ Bennion’s home state on TV, tune in this Sunday night for an episode of the popular show that was shot in Bountiful, Utah. (For you out-of-staters, Bountiful is a bedroom community just north of Salt Lake.) You may recall that I wrote about this subject earlier this summer, while the TV folks were actually here. There’s an article in today’s Trib about the family featured in the episode, if you’re interested.

Here locally, the show airs at 7 p.m. Sunday on KTVX Channel 4. Okay, commercial over; we now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging…


4 comments on “Utah Episode of Extreme Makeover This Weekend

  1. anne

    Does this mean I’ll be able to get you to watch an episode?

  2. jason

    As I said, EM: HE isn’t really my thing. I posted this purely as a public service for my three loyal readers! 🙂

  3. anne

    well, as one of your three loyal readers, if you’re going to be at my house as usual on Sunday, you’ll be watching it. 🙂

  4. Jen B.

    We watched it! My favorite part was that they went to Utah artist James Christensen to commission a portrait of the little daughter who loved fairies. 🙂 James Christensen is by FAR one of my most favorite artists OF ALL TIME. 🙂
    Steve bore it for my sake, but he really hates watching that show. The James Christensen thing made it better… that, and all the great shots they took of the Utah landscape. Good taste on their part, I think. 🙂