Too Busy to Blog!


That’s the sound of a blogger who is denied the time to blog. I’ve been accumulating lots of interesting links and topics for discussion, and it’s driving me crazy that I haven’t been able to do anything with them because work and Real Life have been so hectic. But have no fear, my loyal readers — I will return. Hopefully sooner than later.


4 comments on “Too Busy to Blog!

  1. anne

    I hope you find the time to blog, for your own sanity if nothing else.
    And Happy Birthday!
    I love you!!!!!

  2. jason

    Thank you, dear, for all of the sentiments expressed… 🙂

  3. Tiff

    Happy Birthday Jason! Didn’t know. I’ve barely had time to read the latest and greatest. Guess we’ve all been feeling the crunch of work and life!

  4. jason

    Thanks, Tiff – don’t feel bad for not knowing. I’ve been pretty low-profile about my birthday for the past several years. I was hoping I might get a breather today at work so I could actually enjoy the day, but no such luck…