Geeky Politics

Bumpersticker spotted Sunday afternoon in a Costco parking lot and presented here without further comment:

Frodo Failed.

Bush Has The Ring.


6 comments on “Geeky Politics

  1. Cranky Robert

    Priceless. Of course, in the book, Sauron dispatches the Nazgul too late to prevent the flooding of Isengard. Apparently he thought the Isengard orcs weren’t going to vote for him anyway.

  2. jason

    I’ve been trying to think of a witty rejoinder to this, but I got nothing. Except maybe “Orcs vote?”

  3. Jen B.

    There was an Onion article a few years ago (2001 or 2002) that declared Osama bin Laden had the Ring. That being the case, how did Bush get it?

  4. jason

    You know how tricksy that Ring can be…
    My guess is that it slipped off Osama’s hand right at his moment of greatest need, dropped into a river that emptied into the ocean, and got caught in a trans-Atlantic current. It was then eaten by a swordfish that was captured by longline fishing boat working the Grand Banks, and that fish in turn found its way to the White House dining room. The rest, as they say, is history.

  5. Cranky Robert

    I heard that too, Jason. I also heard that Bush dispatched the Nine to Tora Bora to find the ring, but at the last minute they got hungry for falafel and went to Saddam Hussein’s house instead. There the Witch King of Angmar was killed by a roadside bomb.

  6. jason

    A bomb made by female hands, no doubt…