Klingon Fairy Tales

The off-beat Web site of off-beat publisher McSweeney’s — which produces anthologies of short fiction with titles like Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things — today posts up a very funny list of Klingon fairy tales, i.e., familiar fairy-tale titles given a perverse twist. I don’t think you have to be a Trek fan to enjoy these, so long as you understand the basic characterization of Klingons. (Hint: their entire culture is based on combat and personal honor. And personal honor that is obtained through combat. And combat over matters of personal honor. And… well, you get the idea.)

Here are my favorites:

“Snow White and the Six Dwarves She Killed With Her Bare Hands and the Seventh Dwarf She Let Get Away as a Warning to Others”


“The Three Little Pigs Build an Improvised Explosive Device and Deal With That Damned Wolf Once and for All”


“Old Mother Hubbard, Lacking the Means to Support Herself With Honor, Sets Her Disruptor on Self-Destruct and Waits for the Inevitable”

Go check out the rest… Qapla’!
