Happy Birthday, Anne

As you might have surmised from the subject line above, this is the day my Significant Other first showed her face to the world. And I’ve got to be honest, I am woefully unprepared for its arrival this year. I’ve been in a near-panic for a couple of months as I have tried (and most likely failed) to think of something really good to give her. You see, we’ve been together for a long time, so a lot of the obvious tokens have already been exchanged. We’ve also both reached that age when you pretty much have everything you need, and you pretty much have most of the little objects you want, too. Or at least you’re in a position to just go ahead and buy them for yourself as they come to your attention. So what does that leave one to offer as a gift?

Well, how about a public display of good wishes and affection? It’s the best idea I’ve come up with so far, and it saves me the trouble of actually going shopping, so here goes:

Honey, I hope you have a very happy day and I love you.

What do you think, Loyal Readers, is that enough? Or do I still need to find some kind of tangible gift, too? (Just kidding, folks. Well, mostly kidding. I really am lousy at thinking up good gift ideas…)


9 comments on “Happy Birthday, Anne

  1. anne

    Thank you, baby. As far as I’m concerned, a public display of good wishes and affection is a very acceptable gift. 🙂 I love you, too.

  2. Keith

    Happy Birthday Anne!!
    Hum, Jas, I would say if no tangibles come to mind continue toward the less tangibles. Flowers, chocolate, romantic dinner/date…but you’re probably already considered these…

  3. anne

    Thanks, Keith. And we need more pictures of Aubrey. I bet she’s already grown a foot. 🙂

  4. jason

    Geez, you guys are fast! I just barely posted this…
    Anne, you are most welcome. Glad you like it. 🙂
    Keith, thanks for the ideas. I really do have a tangible gift for her, I’m just not sure she’ll like it. But maybe if I give it to her over a nice dinner, she’ll be more inclined to not think it sucks, eh? 😉

  5. Tiff

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anne!!! Hope you have a good one! Cord and I are lucky if we get to go out to dinner alone anymore, so that’s usually a good enough gift for the both of us. For Cord’s last one, I just made reservations at a more expensive restaurant and got a sitter. Whatever works!!! Enjoy the day Anne.

  6. anne

    Thanks, Tiff. We all need to get together soon!

  7. Dave

    Whoa I had no idea. We need to go get drunk soon to celebrate. Sorry I missed the day but Happy Birthday!!!
    To show my devotion, I’m willing to risk copyright violations and sing you a song:
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear Anne,
    Happy birthday to you.
    Of course, if there are any violations, they will go after jasonbennion.com, so I’m okay anyway!

  8. jason

    Gee, Dave, I’m sure Anne will be thrilled that you’re willing to bring down copyright lawyers on me in her name…

  9. anne

    Hey Dave! Thanks for the birthday wishes!