The Best Laid Plans of Wookiees and Men

So are we all sick of talking about Star Wars yet? I’m not, myself — I have a whole list of possible SW-themed entries that I wanted to write before Opening Day and didn’t get around to — but I can see how the topic may be getting a little old for my three loyal readers. Therefore I’m going to move on to other subjects, for your sakes. Because that’s the kind of guy I am. I care. Well, and also because I worry that I’m driving everyone away with my monomaniacal fanboyism.

Anyhow, I’m going to let Star Wars rest for a bit (although I may still work up some of those ideas I mentioned and post them from time to time). I’ll be back later today with my first post-Sith, non-Star Warsy entry. Also, I’m thinking about making a few changes to the site. Nothing major, just a couple of things to freshen the place up, so be watching for those in the next few days/weeks. I may even add some items to my long-neglected photo gallery
