What Kind of Key Am I? What Kind of Question Is That?

It’s been a wild day here at the Bennion Compound — there’s a storm approaching, and high winds have been causing havoc with the electricity all afternoon. The power lines across the street keep brushing together, which results in a cool sound-and-light show but also leaves me sitting in front of a dead monitor and feeling frustrated because I’ve just lost another half-finished blog entry. (I’ve had three attempts at an entry vanish into the ether today, thanks to that damned wind! Must… buy… a UPS!) Things seem to be quieting down now — which means the rain should begin anytime — so hopefully I can reconstruct my work from earlier without any further problems.

While I work on that little task, though, I thought I’d leave you with something to look at. I see that my LiveJournalling friend Jen has recently taken one of those weird on-line quizzes that purport to tell you which animal/character/intangible concept/inanimate object you would be if only you were an animal/character/intangible concept/inanimate object. I don’t entirely see the point of these quizzes — under what circumstances would I ever become an intangible concept or an inanimate object? — but they’re fun timekillers, and it’s a fast way to come up with something to post. So, without further ado, here are my results to the question “What sort of key are you?”:

stone key
You are a stone key, and you unlock old and magical
secrets. What you have to offer is powerful and
difficult for many to understand, but
invaluable to the few who can truly grasp it.
Give the things you have carefully and
wisely, because not everyone will use them for

What sort of key are you and what do you unlock?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hope that provided you with some kind of insight into my character. If it did, would you mind explaining how? Not to mention, what that insight may have been? Thanks.

I’ll be back with at least one more post later this evening, assuming the lights stay on…
