Today Wasn’t the First Time Enterprise Buzzed NYC


So here’s another cool pic I ran across earlier. That’s Enterprise and the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft again, flying over Manhattan back in 1983. I had forgotten — if I ever knew — that, following the completion of the approach and landing tests and the beginning of regular shuttle operations, NASA sent Enterprise on a world tour, visiting airshows in France, Germany, Italy, the U.K., and Canada, as well as a number of U.S. states. She even appeared at the 1984 World’s Fair held in Louisiana before being handed over to the Smithsonian Institution and becoming a taxidermied display piece in 1985.

None of which is here nor there, I just thought it was a neat vintage photo and wanted to share. It appears in a number of places around the ‘net, but I grabbed it from the Twitter feed of Todd Lapin, a.k.a. the proprietor of the excellent Telstar Logistics blog, which I have been following for a number of years. Thanks, as always, for finding such interesting stuff, Todd!
