One More Word on Comments

I just wanted to highlight something Jack said in the comments of the previous entry (did you catch that? I said “in the comments!” Yay! Such a sweet sound…) in case anybody missed it:

As an additional note/caveat, you must have a profile defined for the Google and Yahoo authentication to work.


You may also setup a local blog account with standard email authentication. There’s a “Sign-up” linky-dink in the bottom right corner of the the credentials window.

If any Loyal Readers who’ve already checked in have any discomfort about using their Google or other accounts, feel free to set up a new, local one. On the plus side, doing that will let you choose a new username, if you’re not wild about the one you’ve got. This may be especially handy if the one you have is just a big long string of code. I’ll even delete the previous comments made under another identity, if you wish. Just let me know. (I’m probably overthinking this/making too damn big a deal about it, as I usually do. Feel free to let me know that, too, if you must.)

Anyhow, I promise this will be the last word on commenting for a while, unless something comes to my attention that’s not working. Do as you please, Loyal Readers, and I’ll quit trying to direct you. The next entry will be back to the usual drivel…


5 comments on “One More Word on Comments

  1. Brian Greenberg

    OK – I’ve got a Moveable Type id now. I’ll send all the spam they send me to you (just kidding – glad to be back & commenting!)

  2. Jason Bennion

    Whew, glad we have that all sorted out. 🙂

  3. jaquandor

    No more posting about comments? Bummer…this one topic had you posting for three days in a row!

  4. Jason Bennion

    What can I say? I wanted to be thorough.

  5. Brian Greenberg

    Oh, wait – so am I already on the “trusted” list? Let’s see if this comment appears right away…