The Commenting Situation

First, welcome back everyone! I’m delighted to find that my Loyal Readers (at least the vocal ones) are still out there!

Now then, it appears that the new commenting system has a few bugs, as a number of you have mentioned problems with signing in, especially those who tried to use your Google and/or Yahoo! credentials. Webmaster Jack has done some work tonight and reports that the registration system ought to be working now as far as signing in goes, although he still doesn’t know why some people’s usernames are appearing as big long URL/code strings. I am, of course, completely clueless about all of it and will take his word for it.

In any event, one of the cooler things about this new platform is that allows me to “trust” regular commenters so your remarks no longer have to be held in moderation, i.e., you should be able to make a comment and have it immediately appear. At this time, the following regulars have been so approved:

  • Puffbird
  • Jaquandor
  • Ilyuha
  • CrankyRobert
  • KonstantinB

(Brian, I figured there wasn’t much sense “trusting” you until we can get the username issue resolved. Nothing personal… )

So, you folks in the list above, please do my a favor by signing in and saying something, then letting me know if anything happens that looks like it shouldn’t happen. Thanks for your support, and hopefully we’ll have this all running smoothly in the next few days…


7 comments on “The Commenting Situation

  1. administrator

    As an additional note/caveat, you must have a profile defined for the Google and Yahoo authentication to work.
    You may also setup a local blog account with standard email authentication. There’s a “Sign-up” linky-dink in the bottom right corner of the the credentials window.

  2. Cranky Robert

    Finally I got the sign-in to work!!!!!! Thanks to Jack for helping.
    I look forward to making many pointless and potentially offensive contributions in the future!

  3. Jason Bennion

    Welcome back, Robert… 🙂

  4. karen.kaminski

    I did it, I did it! hooray!

  5. Jason Bennion

    Hey, Karen, you did indeed do it!

  6. jasonslove1

    Let’s see if this works…

  7. Brian Greenberg

    Hey – sorry, I stepped away from blog reading for a while (was travelling for work). If you’re still reading this, trust me! 😉