Cheno Crashes the Super Bowl

So, it seems that Doritos and Pepsi Max are co-sponsoring this contest called Crash the Super Bowl, which invites all you clever video and film people out there to make a commercial and submit it to a website for judging. The makers of the top five videos for each product (ten total) will receive cash prizes, and then the top three videos for each brand (six in all) will air during the Super Bowl, whereupon the lucky winning filmmakers will be granted outlandish fame, vast fortunes, irresistible sex appeal, and a puppy.

Okay, not really, but the filmmakers will have the thrill and professional exposure of having their work appear during the biggest televised sporting event of the year. My friend and occasional co-conspirator Mike Chenoweth is hoping to get a piece of that action with a clever commercial that combines pitches for both products in a single concept that required, as he puts it, “15 Family-sized Doritos bags, 60 Pepsi Max cans and an amazing cast / crew!!!!”

His video is now up on the Crash the Super Bowl website. I can’t embed it here, unfortunately, but you can have a look at it by clicking this. If you’re amused, please consider voting for him, if for no other reason than so I can bask in his reflected glory…
