The Storm’s Over at Last…

DSC_0498_e, originally uploaded by jason.bennion.

Here’s what it looked like today at the old Bennion Domicile, gateway to the fabulous Bennion Compound, following three days and nights of more-or-less continuous snowfall. Thankfully, I haven’t had to be out in it much at all until now. I don’t do Black Friday, and I didn’t have to go back to work this morning, either. I’ve got a lot of unused vacation time that I’m trying to burn up before the end of the year. It’s use-it-or-lose-it, a deeply silly policy that’s supposed to encourage workaholic ad-men and -women to actually take vacations, but considering that the warm, vacation-y months are usually our busiest times, what happens is that everybody puts it off until they can’t any longer, and then tries to figure a way to take it all at the end of the year. And thus the office ends up looking like a scene from a zombie apocalypse movie during November and December. That is, the place becomes very quiet, very cold from the lack of heat-generating lifeforms, and more than a little spooky. But no less hectic for the poor slobs who are present.

And I get to go back to that tomorrow… Sigh.
