The Talk

I know this is supposed to be funny, and it is, but there’s a poignant little kernel of truth at the core of it, too. I can easily see myself grappling with these exact issues should I ever father a child…

Yes, the exact same issues. Times are different now, more complicated than when we were kids. Oh, how I can relate to this statement:

“We do not watch the Special Editions of the original trilogy in this house.”


3 comments on “The Talk

  1. Konstantin

    I agree wholeheartedly 🙂

  2. Cranky Robert

    Hilarious! I love the tragic slo-mo zoom on the kid at the end. A life wasted, and it could have been prevented.
    I know you’ve seen this, but it’s worth mentioning here:

  3. jason

    Heh, yes, Robert, that one’s a classic, too!