Friday Evening Videos: “You Don’t Know How It Feels”

I heard tonight’s selection while driving home from The Girlfriend’s, the first time I’ve seen her all week. It was after dark and traffic was sparse, one of those times when the road seems to belong to you and you alone. The car responds like a horse that’s been penned up all winter, the windows are down and the draft whipping through them carries a sullen ghost of the 100-degree day that lived and died without your notice while you were at work. And then… a song that seems to perfectly encapsulate everything you’re currently feeling, and everything you’ve experienced over the past couple weeks:

To any of my Loyal Readers who’re still awake out there in the darkness, good night… and pleasant dreams…


One comment on “Friday Evening Videos: “You Don’t Know How It Feels”

  1. The Girlfriend

    This is one of my favorite songs. 🙂