There’ll Be No Escape for the Princess This Time

In yet another bit of inspired silliness, Improv Everywhere, that group of merry pranksters who inspired an annual tradition of pantsless public transit rides in New York and other cities around the world (including, surprisingly enough, my own Salt Lake City), strikes again — or should I say “strikes back?” — with a Star Wars-themed subway stunt:

I dig the dude who tries to figure out what the princess is reading, then has a hearty chuckle over it. And of course all the tiny handheld cameras that suddenly appear when the stormtroopers and Vader arrive. Funny how I didn’t see that coming when I used to imagine as a kid what the 21st century would be like…

This video has popped up in a lot of places recently; I got it from Sullivan’s Daily Dish.


5 comments on “There’ll Be No Escape for the Princess This Time

  1. The Girlfriend

    We really need to figure out why my computer won’t play video so I can watch stuff like this!

  2. jason

    My guess is a RAM problem — you don’t have enough memory to run everything that’s wanting to run. I’ll talk to Jack when he gets home from his welding class in Seattle or wherever the heck he’s gotten to…

  3. Jaquandor

    There’s a Ghostbusters one where they invade the main reading room at the New York Public Library.

  4. jason

    Oh, cool – I’ll have to look that one up!

  5. Cranky Robert

    I like Improv Anywhere–most of their stuff is really clever. These staged movie scenes are funny, but not up to the standard they set a few years ago.