Coming Soon to a Theater Near You

I’m kind of preoccupied with that Runaways movie tonight, so I thought I’d follow up on the previous entry with the actual trailer:

I’m a little weirded out by how excited I am to see this… but I guess it’s not that big of a surprise. I love biopics about musicians; I love the ’70s; I love rock and roll; I love teenage girls — um, I mean, I love looking at teenage… oh wait, that doesn’t sound right either. Ah, hell, I just think this looks like a good movie about an interesting subject.

And for the record, the car that the girls are jumping on at about the 1:16 mark is a Ford Galaxie like mine; it’s a hard top instead of a convertible, but it’s definitely a ’63. Those deep round taillights are unmistakable. So this flick already has one point in its favor…


7 comments on “Coming Soon to a Theater Near You

  1. Cranky Robert

    I confess that I’ve never heard of this band, and I don’t recognize the song! I’ve heard of Joan Jett, but can’t name any of her songs.
    I admit that I’m a cranky, middle-aged man who is completely out of touch with today’s pop culture (thank you very much), but I’m starting to think that’s been the case for about thirty years.

  2. jason

    Well, Robert, for what it’s worth, I didn’t know about these guys myself as anything other than a footnote until fairly recently. Their heyday was before I got into music (they broke up in 1979 or thereabouts), and I can guarantee you my mom wouldn’t have been listening to “Cherry Bomb”; considering that you’re a tad younger than me, it’s even less likely you’d know of them.
    Joan Jett’s best-known song is “I Love Rock and Roll” — I think that came out in ’80 or ’81, and it’s still a juke box staple. I’m certain you’d recognize it if you heard it.

  3. Cranky Robert

    Oh yes, I know that one! The score is now:
    Cranky Robert – 1
    Middle Age – 43,528

  4. jason

    Heh – well, stick with me, my friend. I’ll take care of the pop cultural stuff for the both of us!

  5. Brian Greenberg

    …and by “juke box staple,” Jason means it’s available on all seventeen of the juke boxes still remaining in the country.

  6. jason

    You mock what you do not understand, Brian… 🙂
    There are still plenty of jukeboxes about, both of the CD-playing variety, and also Internet-enabled boxes that grab MP3s from the ether and thus will play pretty much anything you want… and yet curiously enough still seem to often be playing “I Love Rock and Roll.” At least in the places I tend to frequent.

  7. Cranky Robert

    Brian, you had to get him going! Like whacking a hornet’s nest.