Get Some Balls

I think we need to send this video to each and every Democratic politician in the country. And probably to a lot of the rank-and-file Dem voters, too. God, how I cringed at the “Make them like us” line. So. Frakkin’. True. As if Cheney gives a damn about whether people like him. Or, to cite a somewhat more admirable figure, FDR. He was well aware people hated him and his agenda. And he thrived on it. The modern-day Democrats need to recapture some of his spirit, and fast. Personally, I think a good first step would be to call the GOP on their constant threat of filibuster. Call their bluff, and make them stand up on the floor of the Senate and read the phone book for 32 hours straight like Jimmy Stewart did in Mr. Smith… and videotape the whole damn thing for use in the next campaign season.
Via Sullivan.
