Something Yummy for Your Thursday Morning Coffee Break

Despite the best efforts of a couple of well-meaning and enthusiastic friends, I still do not get the appeal of anime, i.e., Japanese animated films. I also don’t get — aside from a handful of titles — manga, or Japanese comic books.
But I very definitely do see the appeal of Kirsten Dunst dressed in some kind of anime princess outfit as she wanders the streets of Tokyo’s infamous geek mecca, the Akihabara district:

Yeah, now that’s a pretty sight. Kirsten hasn’t exactly lived up to the hype of a few years ago that painted her as the Next Big Thing, but I like her. And I really like her in this get-up. The short skirt and the stockings are nice, of course, but weird as it sounds, I’m really grooving on the blue hair. I don’t know, it just works for me.

From what I can discern, this photo is a behind-the-scenes candid from a video shoot. An artist named Murakami, in association with Hollywood director McG, filmed a short starring Dunst for an exhibition at the Tate Modern in London. Modern art is, of course, something else I do not get. But whatever, I can live with it if it gets me pics of Kirsten Dunst in a tiny skirt and blue hair. More photos and info here; original source for this here.

Do I have to go back to work now?


4 comments on “Something Yummy for Your Thursday Morning Coffee Break

  1. Cranky Robert

    I’m not attracted to either Kirsten Dunst or the anime princess look, but the combination of the two is strangely appealing. A double negative?

  2. jason

    Heh, perhaps.
    Of course, I like the young lady even when she doesn’t have blue hair. One of my guilty pleasures is a movie about cheerleaders she made a few years ago, with the equally lovely Eliza Dushku…
    Yeah, I’m a dirty old man. So who isn’t? 🙂

  3. Cranky Robert

    Yeah, I was made to watch that movie a couple of times on video (don’t ask). Is Eliza Dushku the brunette who played opposite Kirsten Dunst? If so . . . purrrr.

  4. jason

    Yep, that would be Eliza. She’s mostly worked in television, which is perhaps why you don’t know her name. She was a semi-regular on Buffy the Vampire Slayer a few years ago (she played another Slayer named Faith who was intended — quite literally, given her complexion — to be a darker version of the title character), and she’s currently starring in a series called Dollhouse. Which unfortunately seems to be on the verge of cancellation…