The Call of Sigmund

I still want to address the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, but given the big subject matter earlier this week, I am hesitant to turn this into the “all obituaries, all the time” blog. Besides, I’m not really in the mood right now to talk about losing more of the familiar trappings of my youth. So instead, I’m going to offer up another item I’ve been meaning to post for a while, an image I spotted at Michael May’s Adventureblog some time ago. It’s probably a bit advanced for laypeople and casual geeks, but it certainly made me smile:

Sid and Marty Lovekrofft's Call of Sigmund

If you don’t get it, start here, then proceed here. And if you still don’t think this is funny after doing your research, well, then, I can’t help you.


3 comments on “The Call of Sigmund

  1. Cranky Robert

    This kicks ass!

  2. jason

    Glad you approve! I was afraid I’d be the only one to get the joke…

  3. Konstantin

    That is interesting 🙂