Michael Jackson Was Still Black

Pretty much my entire adolescence compressed into two minutes and 34 seconds:

God I miss that decade sometimes…


7 comments on “Michael Jackson Was Still Black

  1. Ilya

    Surprisingly, I am familiar with almost all of the references…

  2. Brian Greenberg

    When I saw this on Samurai Frog’s blog, I sent it to a listserv I’m on that contains mostly college students.
    The general consensus was that they remembered none of these things, but understood 100% of the references.
    I think the 80s is quickly becoming the 60s, cultural icon-wise…

  3. jason

    That makes sense, Brian; as I recall, we who were teens in the ’80s were all pretty conversant with the icons of the ’60s, too. Certainly pop culture was full of references to The Beatles, the anniversary of Woodstock, the baby boomers, etc. It must be a 20-year/generational thing…

  4. Brian Greenberg

    …and yet, I feel as if we’ve all already forgotten the 90s… 😉

  5. jason

    That’s because the 90s weren’t very memorable. 🙂

  6. chenopup

    Love this! – My only beef (not to be confused with “Where’s the beef?”) is the clip from E.T. is the new, anti-gun version. Ugh. Other than that, this was brilliant.

  7. jason

    Yeah, I caught that too… stupid revisionism!