The crew over at Boing Boing has pointed me toward a site that nicely refutes the dubious North Korean claim that long hair robs energy from the brain. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. Some of these undeniably brainy folks have achieved levels of hirsuteness that my own increasingly challenged follicles can only dream of. In some cases, the end result is really cool; in others, it’s a bit frightening. (No personal insult intended to the latter fellow, it’s just that, as much as I admire lengthy male tresses and guys who dare to express themselves, I think you can go too far with any particular look. I don’t want to know how much this guy spends annually on conditioner…)
One thing that I thought was cool, given my longtime affection for the rock group Queen, was the inclusion in the LFHC of guitarist Brian May, who is apparently quite the amateur star-gazer. Who would’ve guessed the guy responsible for “We Will Rock You” has a thing for astronomy?
Shoot! Too bad I’m not a scientist; I could try to join that club. I don’t think they’ll accept my credentials as an artist, will they?
I don’t know… they took Brian May and, as far as I can tell, he doesn’t technically work as an astronomer, he just like to stargaze.
But then artists are supposed to have long hair and eccentric clothes, aren’t they?