Post Christmas

I hope everyone reading had a nice Christmas or other mid-winter holiday unique to your tradition and preference. My own was unexpectedly good, with much more contentment and much less angst and drama than in years past. Of course, the weather sucked. Seriously, after three days of more-or-less constant snowfall and four sessions of driveway clearing, you can have your winter frickin’ wonderland. (God, my shoulders are sore.)

My corporate overlords have kindly granted me the next week off, so, among lots of other projects I need to do around the house, I hope to complete some unfinished blog entries that have been hanging over my head for a while now. Stay tuned…


One comment on “Post Christmas

  1. Better Living

    I’m glad your holiday went better than expected. I got your nice comment but was too frantic and then too demoralized to reply. But yay, it’s over! And we’re on vacation! Happy 2009!