The Challenge of Remakes

I was just reading an interview with Dan DiDio, an executive at DC Comics, and I thought the following remark (made in reference to the challenges comics people face with some of their long-running characters) tied in quite nicely to I was trying to say about remakes in the previous entry:

You have to remember, a lot of our fan base has been reading comics 20 or 30 years now. They’ve seen a lot of stories and a lot of things. We’re always trying to find a way to give them something new but also give them exactly what they want.

That’s the same challenge J.J. Abrams is facing, isn’t it? He’s got to do something new with Star Trek, but he’s also got to give us, well, Star Trek, or else he fails. I certainly wouldn’t want his job…


One comment on “The Challenge of Remakes

  1. Konstantin

    Well, assuming he took the risk, he knows what he is doing. Whether we’ll like it or not, is a different story.