Braaaiiinnsss! Eat Obama’s Liberal Braaaiinnsss…

I don’t have much to say about last night’s presidential debate — I watched only a part of it and I choose to keep my admittedly partisan impressions to myself — but I’ve got to share this amusing photo that’s been floating around the politiblogs today:


Now, I’m perfectly willing to give McCain the benefit of the doubt and chalk this up to one of those unfortunate moments when the shutter just happens to open at exactly the worst possible instant — the blog I pulled this from suggests he was about to walk off the edge of the stage or something — but doesn’t he look like he’s doing that childish pretend-you’re-a-monster-behind-the-other-guy’s-back thing? You know, when you’re teasing someone by acting like Frankenstein or whatever?

I’ll bet when Obama turned around, McCain was standing upright and looking perfectly normal and dignified. Just like that kid in the fourth grade always did when I looked at him, even though I knew he was up to something back there…


4 comments on “Braaaiiinnsss! Eat Obama’s Liberal Braaaiinnsss…

  1. Cranky Robert

    Obama has brains to spare, and McCain’s got room to store them. There, I said it.

  2. jason

    Classic song, Ben!

  3. Ben Fuller

    I thought it was slightly appropriate for the posting. 🙂