Working Harder to Breathe

Hello? Is this thing on?

It’s kind of weird to be back online after a week away from this whole scene. I’ll be honest, I’m having a little trouble getting motivated to start blogging again. I find myself uncharacteristically (and rather disturbingly, at least for me) at a loss for words. But I’ll try, for the sake of my three loyal readers who’ve been so brave in my absence…

The Girlfriend and I arrived home late Saturday night, safe and sound, and we were back in our respective offices on Monday morning. From this, we’ve learned a valuable lesson: in the future, always plan on at least two buffer days before returning to work. We pretty much dithered away all of Sunday and now here it is three days since we got back and I’ve still got un-put-away luggage and souvenirs strewn all over the living room.

I hope to find the time over the next few days to write a nice long travelogue entry, but for now it’ll have to wait. It’s the usual story, work and mundane chores crowding out the good parts of life, and anyway I’ve got to sort out a few things in my head. At the moment, the previous week is just one big blur of remembered sensations: the caramel flavor of a strong Irish coffee, the dingity-ding-ding of cable-car bells in the street below our hotel room, the smell of baking sourdough, the dazzling blue skies the day we walked out onto the Golden Gate, the clammy embrace of the fog the night we toured Alcatraz.

When we got home Saturday night, Anne remarked that the air in Salt Lake felt heavier. I told her it’s actually much, much thinner way up here in the mountains; it feels heavy because we have to work harder to breathe than we did down in sea-level Frisco. There’s some kind of metaphor there, I think…

Anyway, net crap on the way for Cranky Robert, hopefully some decent content to follow.


4 comments on “Working Harder to Breathe

  1. Ilya Burlak

    Welcome back, Jason! By that small snippet, it sounds like you had a great time in SF!
    For the record, I totally disagree with the concept of spending weekends – or (horror!) additional vacation days – to decompress after a holiday. I come back from a trip on Sunday evening, go to the office on Monday morning, and by Monday afternoon I’m already dreaming of the next holiday. It doesn’t let me forget what’s important 🙂

  2. jason

    Hi, Ilya – yes, we had a great time, thanks. I really love San Francisco, and I was pleased that Anne fell for its charms as well.
    For me, the decompression period is a logistical thing. Somehow I never seem to accomplish the various chores that need doing before I re-enter my normal life. Hence the suitcase standing in the corner of my living room and mocking me for the next six weeks… 🙂

  3. Ilya Burlak

    Look at the bright side – if you go someplace again soon, you’re already packed!

  4. jason

    Good point, my friend! Guess I’ll have to plan another trip for Thanksgiving weekend or something…