TV Title Sequences: The Muppet Show

It’s Friday morning and time for another wander down televisual memory lane. Given the subject matter of the only entry I’ve managed to write this week, I’ll bet you smart kids out there in the audience can guess which TV opening we’re about to see…

As I recall, the title sequence for The Muppet Show varied a little bit for each of the five years it was on the air, and there were also week-to-week variations consisting of a different “cold opening” — the little gag before the music starts, usually featuring that week’s guest star — for each episode, a fresh grumble from Statler and Waldorf (the two grouchy old guys in the balcony), and a unique closing gag involving Gonzo and his trumpet. YouTube has several different examples; naturally, I had to choose this one featuring Mark Hamill (who turned 57 yesterday; happy birthday, Mark!) and the droids from Star Wars. Well, Empire, judging from Luke’s outfit.

The Muppet Show ran on Sunday afternoons around these parts, which meant I was usually at my grandma’s house and competing with the grown-up menfolk for control of the TV. I rarely had much success at talking them into switching from the football game to a Ray Harryhausen movie, Star Trek, or — god forbid! — Space: 1999, but The Muppet Show was another matter. That was something pretty much everyone liked, even grandma, who frankly didn’t understand why we had to have the TV on at all when there was so much “visitin'” to be done. But she did like those “crazy puppets.” Didn’t we all?


4 comments on “TV Title Sequences: The Muppet Show

  1. jason

    I don’t remember that one either, Brian — from the general look of it, I’m thinking it must come from one of the early shows. Everything has a sort of unpolished feel to it, and the regular formula gags aren’t quite there yet.
    I really need to pick up the DVDs, now that they’re coming out in season sets…

  2. Brian Greenberg

    My wife bought them for me from TimeLife for my birthday one year. Funny – I don’t remember seeing that opening in any of them (and we *HAVE* the Juliet Prowse episode). I need to go back & check once I dig the DVD’s out of storage…

  3. jason

    Interesting… I wonder if the DVDs may have been edited for some reason. If you get them out anytime soon, let me know…