How the LHC Actually Works

So, are you wondering exactly what this Large Hadron Collider doohickey actually does? When it’s not creating black holes that are going to suck us into the Bearded-Spock dimension, that is? Then check out this informative video that was created by Chris Mann, an employee of CERN (that’s the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the scientific group that actually built and operates the LHC):

Pretty fascinating, eh? Of course, everything seems more interesting when it’s narrated in an erudite-sounding British accent. This guy could recite his grocery list and make it sound like the most significant bit of scholarship ever conceived. That’s just one of those curious facts of life…

(Hat tip to Neatorama, my latest morning-coffee read.)


One comment on “How the LHC Actually Works

  1. Kisintin

    Positively cool.