My Favorite Photo of the Day

Everybody in the blogosphere is buzzing today about that mildly risque photo of President Bush trying to decide whether to accept Olympic volleyball player Misty May-Treanor’s invitation to smack her on the tushy for good luck, but personally I was far more amused by this pic:

Bush looks on

You know, I think this is the first time I’ve ever felt any sense of empathy whatsoever for this man… yep, George, I know how it is. We’re both guys, after all…


5 comments on “My Favorite Photo of the Day

  1. Kisintin

    There is something fundamentally wrong with the picture.
    Even if the focus is on him and not on Misty, the colors and lighting is all wrong. He stands out too much.
    Plus, everybody is behind the court blue-yellow thinngies. He is in front. The action by the looks of Ms. Walsh (or Ms. May ) is in the middle of the game. Nobody would be allowed on the court during the set.
    I think it’s tailored.

  2. Ilya Burlak

    Looks genuine to me. You’ll never see Kerrie Walsh widely grinning during the game, and I do not believe her wearing the official game attire (all white for a US player?), so this is still a practice.
    But I do think this is a huge image-booster for Dubya.

  3. jason

    I believe it’s for real. It was part of a whole series of photos from Bush’s photo-op moment with the ladies, including several shots of him playing volleyball with them (I imagine they let him win… or at least lose with some dignity).