Wait, Doesn’t This Mean I Ought to Have Awesome Hair?

Your result for The What Middle Earth race do you belong to Test…


You’re an Elf! You scored low in size, high in morality, high in aggression and high in intelligence to get here. The first and favorite race created by the Valar, the Elves have been in Middle Earth for many ages, and are currently the only race allowed to join their creators in Valinor. Blessed with eternal life, enhanced senses, great beauty, wisdom and skill, the race of Elves still has several black marks on it. (Kinslaying, anyone?) But hey, no one is perfect, right? Of course not, but the Elves are damn close to it.
FYI, your polar opposite is the Troll.

Take The What Middle Earth race do you belong to Test at HelloQuizzy

That’s all cool and all, but seriously, where’s my long, silken hair that never tangles or gets messed up no matter how much orc blood just washed over it? I don’t recall seeing any balding elves…

Via Kisintin.


5 comments on “Wait, Doesn’t This Mean I Ought to Have Awesome Hair?

  1. The Girlfriend

    Congratulations, you’re one of the Dunedain. You scored high on size & strength, high on morality, low on aggression and high on intelligence. The Dunedain are all that remains of the once great line of men from Numenor. Described as tall, with dark hair and grey eyes, the Dunedain are much greater in stature and spirit than common men. Those of high rank are possessed of enhanced wisdom and occasional prophecy, in addition to just being bigger and stronger. Aragorn himself was described as being 6’6″ and was one of only three warriors to come out of the Battle of Pelennor Fields completely unscathed. (Incidentally, only one of the three was not Dunedain). He was also able wrest control of the Palantir from Sauron using just the force of his will. Summary: Dunedain = Bad Ass. FYI, your polar opposite is the Orc. You know, those nasty little critters you’ve been beating the living hell out of since you were three. Yeah, those.

  2. Cranky Robert

    I scored Wizard. A pretty good quiz, as these things go. Seems they put some thought into it.

  3. jason

    Definitely more thought than the usual “do you like kicking orc-ass?” style of quiz thing. Nice-looking interface for a change as well…

  4. Kisintin

    I seem to be the only one who got an anti-hero race. Still, Nazghul are badasses, and they fly dinosaurs!

  5. jason

    Right on! And hey, at least none of us were tagged as Smeagol…