Mormon Horror Movies

Eric D. Snider, a BYU alum who managed to escape from Happy Valley and find happiness and success as a film critic in the Pacific Northwest, still enjoys making the occasional good-natured jibe at the culture he left behind. Today, he offers us his suggestions for a whole new genre of filmmaking: the Mormon horror movie…

[Ed. note: these probably won’t make sense to anyone who hasn’t grown up behind the Zion Curtain, but trust me, to those in the know, this is good stuff…]

“Children of the Quorum”
“Friday the 31st” (aka “Home Teaching Day”)
“Pet Seminary”
“Enrichment Night of the Living Dead”
“I Know What You Did Last Summer, and I’m Telling Your Bishop”
“The (CTR) Ring”
“Rosemary’s Baby, Which is Her Fourth, and She’s Only 23″
“The Hills Have Tithes”


2 comments on “Mormon Horror Movies

  1. chenopup

    I’d pretty much claim that everything Halestorm has put out could fall into the Mormon Horror class – Bad, bad horror but nonetheless…

  2. jason

    Funny, somebody over at Snider’s site said more or less the same thing!
    (Actually, they said “don’t give Halestorm any ideas…”)