Howzabout Some Meme?

I’ve seen this meme in a couple of different places lately, and it’s been a while since I did one, so…

  1. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
    Hm. Well, when this happened to me a number of years ago, I congratulated her, but she later told me I’d hurt her with the look was shock and revulsion on my face. I was shocked, yes, but she was mistaken about the revulsion. I wasn’t revolted. I was hurt, because I hadn’t realized how much I cared about her and wanted her for myself until that moment, and now it was too late…
  2. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
    Late Saturday night on the train home. There was this really obnoxious group of teenage boys sitting behind The Girlfriend and me, and their apparent leader was making fart noises, loudly talking about his improbable sexual experience, and giggling delightedly at all the grown-ups around him who’ve too cowed by decades of news stories about young punks shooting older people to say anything about what a miserable half-wit he was and to suggest he show some respect and shut the hell up.
  3. What is the last thing you spent money on?
    Lunch, a pastrami on rye at Gandolfo’s.
  4. Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
    Well, I certainly haven’t lost any. And it’s kinda getting me down, too…
  5. Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
    Crunchy. I like a little substance with my cheese-flavored air…
  6. Congratulations! You just had a son. What’s his name?
    If he has a twin sister, Luke.
  7. Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What’s her name?
    If she has a twin brother, Leia.
  8. What are you craving right now?
    Warm tapioca pudding.
  9. What was the last thing you cried about?
    The thought of a beloved pet dying.
  10. When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
    I keep it, and then it goes in the change dish on my dresser that night. It all adds up eventually…
  11. What color is your tissue box?
    Hell, I don’t know. Who pays attention to that?
  12. Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
    Yes, to both.
  13. Scariest thing you’ve experienced in the last year?
    Driving my Mustang in a heavy blizzard and having the rear-end fishtailing all the way home. It’s been a rough winter.
  14. Do you wear a name tag at work?
    Not for many years, thank Zeus.
  15. Have you ever had a garage sale?
    Nope. I have better things to do than to sit on the front lawn all freaking day watching people rifle through my junk and turn up their noses because 35 cents is too much for an avocado-green rotary phone.
  16. What color is your iPod?
    Hm. Well, technically I don’t have an iPod, although my good friend MikeG recently “donated” an older model Shuffle that he wasn’t using anymore to me. It’s the standard-issue Apple white.
  17. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
    A glass of Michael Collins Irish whiskey the other night.
  18. Are you happy right now?
    Yeah, basically. I’m not ecstatic or anything, but I’m in a reasonably good mood.
  19. Who came over last?
    The Girlfriend.
  20. Do you drink beer?
    Ask a dumb question…
  21. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
    Only child.
  22. What is your favorite key on your key chain?
    Uh… I’ve never given it much thought. And I actually have two keychains, one for the car and one for the house keys. (You see, there are times when The Girlfriend or somebody else drives and I don’t want to carry around all my keys and make this big lump in my pocket… oh never mind.) I guess I like the car key, because I really like my car.
  23. What was the last movie you watched at home?
    The animated Hellboy movie Blood and Iron.
  24. What is in your pocket?
    My wallet and the key ring with my house keys on it.
  25. Where do you hurt?
    My gouty toe is a little achy at the moment. Time for some ibuprofen.
  26. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?
    No, something better: a non-branded personalized bear. The Girlfriend went out and got a generic teddybear, then sewed together Jedi costume and finished it with a little toy lightsaber from a cereal box. It’s awesome…
  27. What’s something fun you did today?
    I talked to my friend CrankyRobert on the phone…
  28. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
    The one that leads to the exit. I hate frickin’ WalMart.
  29. When is your birthday?
  30. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?

    No. In the past (and on cars other than my current one), I’ve had a little Star Destroyer, a tiny rubber version of Ariel’s friend Flounder from The Little Mermaid, a woman’s garter belt, and of course the cliche’d fuzzy dice.
  31. What kind of milk do you drink?
    I generally don’t like drinking milk — I can’t understand why some people will just pour up a glass of milk and chug it down like water; bleah! — but I do put 2% on my cereal. In my mind, it’s an ingredient or a complement, not a beverage.
  32. What is something you need to go shopping for?
    Shoes. Always shoes, because I can never find ones I really like…