The Pause That Refreshes

So have you heard about the lastest taste innovations from the Jones Soda Company?

For those who don’t keep up on such things, Jones is kind of a second-tier contender in the Great Soft Drink Wars. Personally, I find their products way too sugary for my tastes, but I’ve long admired the company’s cool photographic labels. The standard product line consists of traditional soda varieties — root beer, vanilla cream, black cherry — as well as some exotic but not too-far-out flavors such as watermelon, chocolate fudge, and blue bubblegum. Now, however, the mad scientists at Jones have outdone themselves by creating limited-edition seasonal flavors that include turkey and gravy, mashed potato and butter, greenbean casserole, cranberry sauce, and fruitcake. Sound nauseating? You have no idea.

Personally, I suspect these holiday sodas were never intended for actual consumption. You’re just supposed to put them on the coffee table as a way of provoking laughter and remarks of good-natured disgust from your Christmas visitors, kind of like setting out a big tray of lutefisk. At least, I hope that’s what the intention is. If someone out there really thinks a greenbean-flavored beverage sounds good, then I’m afraid there’s nothing more modern medicine can do to help you…


4 comments on “The Pause That Refreshes

  1. Jen B.

    I don’t drink a lot of pop, but I’ve had a couple Jones sodas, purchased more for the cool photographs on the labels than anything else. I’m not surprised they’d produce something like this Holiday Pack; it seems to be the type of thing they’d do, even if it’s only for looks and not for taste. 🙂
    The review was VERY entertaining! Thanks for posting the link!

  2. jason

    Glad you enjoyed it — I figured it would be easier to post someone else’s review of this stuff than to actually risk tasting it myself!

  3. cheno

    I’m putting this on my Christmas list.. if I can find it.. if anything an amusing display.

  4. jason

    Good luck – from what I understand the holiday pack is going for hundreds on eBay…