Are You a Trekkie? What Do You Think?


For the record, I answered “yes” to items 1 and 3 only. And I can rationalize that I noticed the missing apostrophe because I’m a proofreader, right? Right?

(I suppose I shouldn’t mention that, while I don’t have a bat’leth, I do own a replica of Duncan MacLeod’s katana. No, I really shouldn’t mention that at all…)

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6 comments on “Are You a Trekkie? What Do You Think?

  1. Ilya Burlak

    I always share with people that I started liking Earl Grey tea because of Jean-Luc Picard, but that’s the extent of my “trekkiness”. Probably does not count with the cred crowd 🙂

  2. jason

    Well, I don’t know if it “counts,” but it certainly doesn’t hurt… 🙂
    I acquired my taste for Earl Grey for the same reason, but I think that was less a factor of wanting to be like the good captain than it was realizing for the first time that there are different varieties of tea, and you don’t have to drink plain old Lipton’s.

  3. Jen B

    I think the bat’leth is my favorite Star Trek weapon. 🙂 And I’ve occasionally wished I was a tea drinker so I could appreciate the subtleties of “Earl Grey, Hot” — but alas.

  4. jason

    I like the bat’leth, too — in the vast armory of made-up fantasy/sci-fi weapons, it’s the only one I can think of that seems like the real thing, that doesn’t just “look cool,” but actually appears to be functional and like something a real culture would’ve come up with.
    The illusion became nearly perfect once they designed some tai-chi-style practice routines for Michael Dorn…

  5. Erin Poulson

    I love that cartoon! I answered Yes to 1 & 3, too. I’m such a nerd.
    In fact, I remember what a bat’leth is because I made a video with my friend, where he was dressed up as a Klingon and was explaining what the weapon was.
    Man, I need to find that video. 🙂

  6. jason

    A Klingon educational video? Man, that is nerdy! 😉
    Actually, it sounds like fun. If you track it down, you’ll have to let me see it…