Thunderbirds Buzz the Space Shuttle

Air Force Thunderbirds over Launch Pad 39A

Nothing to say, just thought this was an awesome pic. Click on it to get the full effect, and my thanks to Damaris for sharing…


2 comments on “Thunderbirds Buzz the Space Shuttle

  1. Jaquandor

    Amazing pic, but where’s the orbiter? Have they not brought it out yet?

  2. jason

    It’s there, it’s just hidden by the big gantry to the left of the main fuel tank and solid rocket booster. It encloses the shuttle as it sits on the pad, protecting it and giving the ground crews easy access to everything, then it swings out of the way as launchtime approaches. If you look on the ground around the pad, you can see a circular track – the moving gantry pivots on that.