I Am Insane

The Netflix queue I share with The Girlfriend (but which, I must be honest, consists mostly of stuff I’m interested in) just broke 400 titles. Four hundred. Specifically, I now have 404 movies and/or TV-on-DVD discs waiting for my attentions. How many hours of my life do you suppose that number represents?

If you care — or even if you don’t — here is the batch of titles I just entered, the ones that pushed me over the top of normality into the realm of the obsessively nutty:

  • 3:10 to Yuma (2007 version)
  • Sunshine
  • 28 Days Later
  • Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
  • Defending Your Life
  • Eastern Promises
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • 30 Days of Night
  • New York Doll
  • The Martian Child
  • Amazing Grace
  • Zodiac

At my current rate of viewing, I’d guess I’ll probably be getting to these around 2015 or so…

Something to look forward to, I suppose.
