She’s a Modern Day Delilah

I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to current music — in the time-honored tradition of grumpy old farts throughout history, I tend to think it all went to hell after my teen and young-adult years — but every once in a while, a song comes along that’s so ubiquitous, it manages to penetrate even my indifference. There was such a song last summer, a sweet and catchy little ditty that I quite liked called “Hey There Delilah” by the Plain White T’s.

I found out today that there really is a Delilah, specifically a young lady named Delilah DiCrescenzo. Tom Higgenson, the lead singer for the Plain White T’s, met her several years ago and, in an effort to impress her, he promised to write a song for her. She had a boyfriend, so their romance went nowhere, but he nevertheless kept his promise. The song became the band’s break-out hit and has been nominated for a Grammy. And Delilah is finally going to go out with him, as his date for the Grammy ceremony. She still has a boyfriend so they’re going strictly as friends, but even with that little imperfection, I find this story simply charming. It’d make a good plot for a movie, actually…

Details are here, if you’re interested. And I’ll give a Stan Lee-style “no-prize” to the first loyal reader who can tell me where this entry’s title derives from…


7 comments on “She’s a Modern Day Delilah

  1. steph

    Really interesting story. I agree with music going down hill. There are new songs out there I like, but of course they are few and far between. I tend to keep my radio on the old rock stations. Oh well.

  2. jason

    Eh, we’re just getting old and crotchety, Steph. I’m learning to live with it. 🙂
    No guesses on the title of the entry? It comes from an old ’80s song…

  3. steph

    Modern Day Delilah – Van Stephenson

  4. steph

    By the way, just got done watching the video. God, haven’t seen that one in years!!! Taking me back! Mike and I had 80’s night at my house where we were bringing up 80’s videos. It was so much fun. This Saturday is the 90’s. You’d be surprised on what you can bring up on you tube!!! Love it! Night Ranger, INXS, Depeche Mode, Simply Red, Simple Minds, and so much more of our favorites…..

  5. jason

    Actually, I’m not surprised at all. YouTube is the greatest depository of pop-culture debris ever invented!
    Be honest now: did you really know “Modern Day Delilah”, or did you have to look it up?

  6. steph

    Nope, I remembered the song from way back when. Had to look up the artist, but I definitley remembered the song and the video. I wanted to dress just like the girls in it. Oh, that’s so embarrassing (sp?) to say!!!

  7. jason

    Hey, I used to proudly wear parachute pants (the real parachute pants, nylon jeans with lots of zippers, not those baggy things Hammer wore) and a Members Only jacket — sometimes at the same time! — so no worries about embarrassing yourself on this blog. I love the 80s…