The Cover to End All Covers

A Beatles tribute group doing “Stairway to Heaven” in the style of the Ed Sullivan-era Fab Four? It’s like a message from the Bizarro World, or that alternate universe where Spock has a beard; everything seems familiar, except it’s so very, very wrong… just watch it and tell me if this isn’t one of the stranger things you’ve ever seen and/or heard…


5 comments on “The Cover to End All Covers

  1. chenopup

    I love it! – they really did a great job to mimick the old Ed Sullivan days, even down to the washed out footage and slight hesitation as you switch from camera to camera. I never thought in my wildest days I’d hear Stairway performed like that but then again, I’d never of thought Paul Anka would have remade “Smells Like Teen Spirit” – 😉

  2. jason

    We live in strange times, my friend…

  3. Cranky Robert

    A two-way bastardization. I love it.

  4. jason

    I thought you might… 😉

  5. Brian Greenberg

    OK, someone (not me) has got to count just how many Beatles songs they played underneath the STH lyrics there.
    Your description was excellent – it’s familiar and yet it’s so WRONG that it gave me the willies…