Behold, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree!

Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, 2007

Well, kids, if you’ve been looking for a definite sign that the Christmas season is upon us, the picture above is probably it. That’s the giant tree in New York’s Rockefeller Center, which was lighted last night in a televised ceremony that I — grinchy-grinch scroogemeister that I am — did not see. Fortunately, however, our special Manhattan-area correspondent Brian Greenberg was on hand to document the whole thing. Click the photo above to see his complete Rock Center Christmas Tree photoblog, or follow this link here. He’s got some really cool shots of the behind-the-scenes preparations (which I guess aren’t really very “behind the scenes,” since anyone walking down the street could see them, but they’re nevertheless things a lot of people wouldn’t ever see). He also provides some amusing commentary that’s worth reading, so be sure to take a minute or two to savor the text instead of just flicking through the pics. (I loved the story about Josh Groban. See, that’s the difference between New York and Salt Lake; here, people are too polite to tell an opera singer who sucks to pipe down, let alone somebody who can really sing!)

Be warned that Brian’s photoblog doesn’t seem to like Firefox, so you’ll have to use *shudder* Internet Explorer. But that’s alright… there are compensations…


7 comments on “Behold, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree!

  1. Amber

    IE?!?! Argh. I’ll have to work myself up to that. Once I’ve come to terms with it, I’ll check out the photo blog.

  2. jason

    I know, it burns us, too…

  3. Amber

    Incredible pictures! Even when I lived in New York I wasn’t too into the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. You’d never get me out there to watch the lighting ceremony, though I did take part in the obligatory ice skating a time or two once the new tree had been up for a bit.
    The less said about the High School Musical phenomenon, the better…. And Josh Groban is not my cup of tea. Get Andrea Bocelli out there and I’ll listen. But, yeah: heckling Groban? Only in NYC….
    Watching the tree go up via the photo blog was really fascinating. And I think it looks particularly good with the blue LED lights this year.

  4. Amber

    Not that I don’t think Groban can sing. >;) It’s just more of that youthful thing again: I don’t get the sense that he always understands what he is singing. To me, singing is more than the voice: it’s the expression behind the words and melody, expression born of life experience. And I just don’t find that Groban has matured enough to have the weight of experience shine through when he is performing. His singing often feels a little empty to me, and I think that’s why.
    At least he’s a little older now than he was when my brother first gifted me with one of his CDs. Listening to him sing about all his deep and lost loves at the tender age of about 21 had be rolling on the floor. But, anyway….
    Man: I really am cynical. It’s hard to believe that deep in the heart (or perhaps bowels?) of me there lives a true romantic.
    No, but it’s true.
    Nobody believes me. *Sigh*
    Maybe it’s because I keep the romantic chained, bound and gagged most of the time….
    But back on topic, the photo blog truly was entertaining and impressive. Thanks!

  5. Amber

    Did you catch my typo? *Blush* I typed “be” instead of “me.” I might as well quit my job now.
    This would be reason 549 to do so….

  6. Jen B

    On that very night my parents were in a cab trying to get to their Manhattan hotel in the Rockefeller Tree crowds. Their cabby finally let them off two blocks away and said, “Sorry; I can’t get you any closer. You’ll have to walk.” They had to lug all their luggage two blocks.
    So that was their experience with the lighting of the Rockefeller Tree. :0

  7. jason

    Ugh… that’s not a fun one. I’m sorry they had such a hassle…