A Purely Rhetorical Question…

How many Star Wars t-shirts can a grown man own before it starts to become sad and lame? I’ve been doing a little online window shopping this afternoon and, well, I’m just asking…


5 comments on “A Purely Rhetorical Question…

  1. steph

    It doesn’t matter. I own five shirts that are the same color, same brand, same shirt….now that’s lame.

  2. Brian Greenberg

    I think it depends on how recently he bought the T-shirts.

  3. Cranky Robert

    12. The answer is 12.

  4. jason

    Steph, you’re just making your morning clothing decision easier on yourself.
    And Brian, I’m already putting together a plan of delayed gratification to avoid that “sad ‘n’ lame” factor. I’m thinking of it as my very own t-shirt of the month club…

  5. jason

    Robert, your number will work perfectly with my “shirt of the month” idea! Ex-cellent…