It Really Was a Different Time, Wasn’t It?

I’ve been looking for some video from Salvage 1 to try and refresh my memory. I didn’t find very much, but there is this:

Honestly, more of my circuits fired in response to the ABC Sunday Night Movie graphics than the footage from Salvage, the TV movie that became the series Salvage 1. Remember TV movies, kids? Or the days when feature films ran on regular network TV about a year after they’d been in the theaters, back in the dark days before home video rentals, cable TV, or “on-demand” anything? Can you believe there was once a time when you could make a movie about a homespun junk dealer with a preposterous notion about flying to the Moon in a rocket made out of a cement mixer and a tanker-truck trailer, and it would actually garner enough viewers to justify a weekly TV series (admittedly a short-lived one, but still…)
Yes, we were all a lot more innocent then…
