The Clock is Running…

So, if you’ve been following along with the home version of our game, you’re no doubt aware that (a) my job has been a real drag lately, and (b) the only thing that’s been keeping me going has been the promise of an upcoming vacation. As of today, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel… I just hope it’s not the California Zephyr.

Sorry, old joke. Probably wasn’t very funny even when it was new.

Seriously, though, I’ll be leaving a week from yesterday for the first real vacation I’ve had in several years… “real” meaning something longer than just an extended weekend somewhere within easy driving distance of Salt Lake. This won’t be one of my dream journeys — instead of a trek through Europe, I’ll be spending a week in southern California with The Girlfriend and her entire family, visiting Disneyland and SeaWorld, among other touristy locales — but I’m nevertheless looking forward to it. I desperately need the break, and I’m curious to see the Johnny Depp-bots that’ve been added to Pirates of the Caribbean (my favorite ride at Disneyland, FYI). Also, as much as I love my home landscape, especially in the fall when the leaves are bright and the snow is beginning to dust the mountains to the east of town, it’ll be nice to have a change of scenery. Oh, and as a bonus, my good friend Cranky Robert, who lives in LA, and I are planning to get together and paint the town, too.

People are often puzzled by my attitude leading up to vacations. Unlike, say, The Girlfriend — who has had a countdown to this vacation running in the corner of her cellphone display for weeks now — I’m just not one to express a lot of obvious, bouncy enthusiasm, even for the bigger travel experiences I’ve had (England and Germany). To be honest, I tend not to think much about an impending holiday once the arrangements have been made, and my default habit is to pack my bags at 11 PM the night before I leave. This time, though… well, like I’ve repeatedly said, I need the break, and I am willing to admit that I’m feeling… moderately restless…
