Just Like the Sound of Electric Guitar

The usual: work is crazy, no time to write a proper blog entry, but I really need to take a break before I kill an account manager or three. What to do? I know: I’ll gank a silly Internet quiz from Puffbird

What musical instrument are you?

You are an ELECTRIC GUITAR.You are one wild, adventurous soul. You love everything to be hyper action-oriented, and are never satisfied to sit back and passively let life come to you. You are ever ready to take command and FORCE your life to go where YOU want it to go. Without excitement and thrill, life wouldnt be worth living. Like the piercing wail of an electric guitar, so your presence is on this earth.
Take this quiz!

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Hm. How interesting that this is exactly what I would’ve wanted to be if you had asked, “Hey, Bennion, what musical instrument are you?” Results bias? Discuss quietly amongst yourselves while I get back to the never-ending hunt for missing commas and trademark symbols…



2 comments on “Just Like the Sound of Electric Guitar

  1. Brian Greenberg

    I’m a flute.
    You have no idea how funny that would be to the other members of the trumpet section in my college marching band. Let’s just say there were many running jokes about (mostly male) trumpet players and (mostly female) flute players…
    So, bottom line: the quiz is flawed. Seriously flawed. A flute? Damn…

  2. jason

    Well, the description that goes along with the electric guitar up there doesn’t really suit me, either – I’m much more of a passive-aggressive type than a “grab life by the horns” type. But hey, it killed five minutes on a Friday afternoon, right?