TV Title Sequence: Space: 1999

Writing about Space: 1999 earlier reminded me that I haven’t posted a TV series opener for awhile. So, without further ado…

This was a typical opening sequence for the show’s first season. (It ran two years, but was pretty thoroughly retooled in the second year, including a whole new title sequence; this is the opener I remember, however, especially that shot of the Eagle falling out of the sky and exploding… man, that stuck in my mind for years, even during the long, hazy period before DVDs and the Internet enabled me to refresh my memories.) Space used a rather unorthodox technique of showing part of the current week’s episode in the titles, as a kind of teaser, I suppose. (This particular opener is from an episode called “Black Sun,” if you’re interested.) The end result was that the title sequence was just a little bit different every week. I’m not aware of any other show that ever did that.

Watching it now, the music strikes me as over-the-top melodrama and bombast that didn’t entirely represent the tone of the series — which was very brooding and cerebral in the first year — but it’s catchy. Just try getting it out of your head. Go on, try.
