Don’t Mind Me…

Bad-ass me in the spring of '87

Just scanning a couple of old photos for my upcoming high school reunion, and thought I’d share one that I’ve always particularly liked. Real tough guy, wasn’t I? For the record, that’s my first car I’m sitting on, a 1970 Thunderbird that was about the same size as the Starship Enterprise. Well, maybe not that big… maybe the size of the Reliant. Either way, I wish I still had it. And yes, I am wearing a ZZ Top muscle shirt. Hey, give me a break; it was the Awesome ’80s, after all…


5 comments on “Don’t Mind Me…

  1. chenopup

    Well to start, mine pictures from that era aren’t any better –
    However, if you looked like that now, you’d probably be profiled as an illegal 😉

  2. Cord

    Holy Crap!!! And you wonder why mothers didn’t want you seeing their cute and innocent daughters.
    For a second I thought that you were coming out of the closet about a secret love child that you fathered. You know…now that running for president or governor is out of the question you could go public with the love child that is now 18 years old and show a recent photo.
    Do you still have the Thunderchicken?

  3. jason

    Oh, I never wondered why mothers didn’t want me around their cute and innocent daughters. I knew perfectly well what the deal was… mmmm, cute and innocent daughters… 😉
    The old Thunderchicken has been gone for many years. I don’t remember for sure, but I think my dad sold it while I was in college, or maybe just before I started college. I used to see it around once in a while, but I imagine it long ago went to the junkyard. Funny thing, you don’t see those old ‘birds at all anymore, not even at the car shows. Guess they weren’t that desirable for collectors. I miss mine, though…

  4. Keith

    Hi Jas,
    Don’t know how long the T-bird was (I guess that’s available on-line as well), but you need the Starship Dimensions site for proper comparison:
    Have fun

  5. jason

    Thanks, Keith… like I don’t have enough distractions at work! 🙂
    Hope all is well… I keep meaning to call and/or email, but you know how good intentions usually go…