Now We Know Where Starfleet Got Its Inspiration…

So, this afternoon, I’ve been rummaging through a folder of random crap that I’ve been meaning to blog about, looking to see if any of it still interests me, and I ran across the following image:

From high fashion in 1967...

I ganked that picture from this site, which identifies the fancy red vest as “The Cosmoboy,” a then-cutting-edge design from Pierre Cardin which was featured in the August 1967 issue of Cavalier magazine (which I believe was a nudie mag, ahem, gentleman’s lifestyle periodical along the lines of Playboy).

Is it just me, or does that look really familiar? Maybe like… something from the 23rd Century? movie costumes in 1994.

My mom has always told me that if you hold onto an article of clothing long enough, it will eventually come back into style. Guess she was right…


2 comments on “Now We Know Where Starfleet Got Its Inspiration…

  1. jason

    Hm, that one matches too… either way, who knew the future would look like the ’60s?