Another Sign We’re Living in the Future

Perhaps the cheesiest episode ever of the old 70s-vintage Buck Rogers TV show — which is saying a lot, considering how that entire series was one long block of yummy, yummy fromage — was “Space Rockers,” wherein evil Jerry Orbach wants to control the minds of the galaxy’s youth via subliminal signals embedded in truly awful music. Actually, it probably wasn’t such a bad idea for a story, at least not back then, when people still believed there were backmasked Satanic messages underlying “Stairway to Heaven.” The way it was executed, however… oy. I thought it was embarrassing even when I was a kid and Buck was don’t-miss-viewing.

Part of what made it so dippy was the appearance of the “rock” band Orbach was secretly using for his nefarious scheme. Leaving aside their cringe-inducing costumes — which consisted of body stockings and rope lights — their “playing” looked really, well, goofy. The series was set in the 25th Century, so everything had to be electronic and futuristic-looking, right? That meant that the “guitar” had no strings and Bonzo played his “drum kit” by tapping plastic rods with a pencil. But the most ridiculous item was the synthesizer/keyboard doohickey: it was just a table with colored circles on it, which was the musician “played” by passing his hands (or, in an over-the-top eruption of Velveeta, his leg) over them. Have a look at the video, if you dare.

Silly, right? Well, maybe not. Via Scalzi comes word of a new electronic musical instrument called the ReacTable, and I’ll be damned if it isn’t highly reminiscent of that old Buck Rogers prop: has an article about this new instrument here.

You know, if something from Buck Rogers had to developed out here in the real world, I think I’d have chosen those spandex jumpsuits that Erin Gray always wore. Maybe there’s still hope for those…


4 comments on “Another Sign We’re Living in the Future

  1. chenopup

    No offense, Jas, but leave the spandex to Erin Gray. 😉

  2. jason

    What, you don’t think it’d flatter my manly belly?

  3. Cranky Robert

    It doesn’t sound like this thing can do anything that Pink Floyd couldn’t do far better with 1971 technology. It just looks cooler.

  4. jason

    Well… yeah… it actually sounds pretty awful, I think — I’ve never been a big fan of the “random spacey noises” school — but the interface is cool.