Another Blade Runner Update

Here’s something else I’m obsessing over lately: the upcoming DVD release of Blade Runner: The Final Cut. (Actually, I’m obsessed with the fact that all the earlier, non-digitally-enhanced versions of this movie will be made available along with this revised version, just like the fans desire, unlike a certain other highly desirable landmark film of the science fiction persuasion, whose fans apparently don’t have a voice in the matter…)

The crew from The Digital Bits is currently at the legendary Comic-Con convention in San Diego (which these days covers a lot more than just comics), and they’ve just posted up the official details of the release, including photos of the two-disc, four-disc, and “Deckard’s briefcase” variants. The details generally match what I already posted a while back, but clear up (for you non-fanatics in the audience) what the differences between the movie versions are and describe exactly which features are included in which set. I’m pleased to see that I won’t be forced to buy the briefcase full of unnecessary doodads in order to get the original theatrical cut of the movie. (I am kind of bummed that the legendary Work Print will only be available in the briefcase set, but I’ve reached a point where I just don’t need all the little premiums and the oddball packaging cluttering up my place. If it won’t fit nicely on a shelf with all the other standardized cases — reference my experience with The Big Stupid Cylon Head — then I don’t want it. And while I’m curious about the Work Print, it’s really not enough to justify the aggravation of finding someplace to store the oddball package. He said bravely, knowing there was still a good chance he’d cave and buy the damn thing anyway.)

All three variants of Blade Runner will be out on December 18th. A little late for a Christmas gift, but maybe you can buy it for yourself with the money you get every year from your favorite auntie, and watch it on New Year’s Day instead of football…

In other news, The Bits is also reporting a rumor that Lucasfilm is going to make some kind of DVD-related announcement at the con, and naturally there’s speculation that it involves the long-promised “Ultimate Edition Star Wars Saga” Set. But you guys know where I stand on that: if there’s no anamorphic transfer of the unrevised original film, then there’s no sale here.


3 comments on “Another Blade Runner Update

  1. chenopup

    December 18th a little late for shopping? I think not, my internet-savvy shopper. For us last-minuters, this still leaves a good 6 days to purchase 🙂 Nothing like wrapping a gift only to have it unwrapped less than 24 hours later. Story of my life.

  2. Cranky Robert

    . . . and we all know that Lucas needs the money. No, wait. He doesn’t need the money. He really, really doesn’t need the money.

  3. jason

    Cheno, you can order anything from the ‘net with six days to go, the question is whether it will arrive in time! (Or whether you want to pay to pay the outrageous fee to ensure it arrives on time!) 🙂
    Robert, at this point, I don’t know that it’s even about the money for George. It’s about finding ways to mess with fanboys’ heads…